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Beat the Holiday Blues with Chiropractic Care

Writer's picture: Dr. Carl MoeDr. Carl Moe

As they say, the most wonderful time of the year is here! But if we’re all honest with ourselves and each other it doesn’t always feel that way. Although the celebrations and hanging out with family and friends can be amazing, most of us also face additional stressors such as traveling, hosting, family, finances and pure busyness. Additionally, some also might have to reflect on and experience the losses of those closest to us, loneliness, and health struggles.

With all that being said, one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your kiddos is chiropractic care. Being proactive with our health and well-being during the holidays can help reduce stress, enhance health, and strengthen your ability to navigate the pressure of the holiday season. Also, simply taking time to pour into ourselves this year helps with self-love and vitality.

So, why are the holiday blues so common in December? Well, there are many triggers such as stress (all kinds), disruption of routines including sleep and exercise, poor nutrition choices such as too many goodies, desserts, fast food, and alcohol, inclement weather keeping us inside and without sunlight.

So, you may be asking how chiropractic care can help beat the Holiday Blues? Well, we all know it's impossible to remove all the triggers and stressors this time of year, but WE CAN do everything in our power to better adapt. Before mentioning how chiropractic can help, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t wait until January to make healthier decisions for you and your family. By focusing on getting enough rest, hydrating properly, limiting junk food and extra sweets, and putting yourself and your family first when planning all the celebrations and events, you can limit some major stressors and be best prepared to enjoy the most wonderful time of year! Many families when presented with a busy stressful season end up missing or skipping their regular chiropractic appointments leading to regression and health struggles when entering the new year.

 Why I suggest you stick with your appointments, or even better add in boost adjustments, during busy seasons is because chiropractic WILL help you cope, adapt, and thrive during this season. Chiropractic has been shown to reduce physiological stress responses, promote relaxation and recovery, aid in digestion and function, and enhance the immune system, among many other benefits. This is why we often see that families who stick to their care plans during busy seasons seem to better adapt and enjoy the season than those that put their chiropractic visits on the back burner.

We know the season is busy and challenging for many, but would be honored to be a part of your most wonderful time of year and help make it the best holiday season ever! We also love to see all your kiddos enter the new year thriving and ready to get back to school, sports and life with the best possible health and focus possible. If you are currently a patient, our staff would love to help keep you on track through the season. If you are not currently a patient, there is no better time than now to start chiropractic care for you and your entire family. As a bonus, our biggest new patient special started December 1st and it’s called the Gift of Health. Not only will you have a massively discounted new patient appointment but when you sign up on a care plan you instantly save $100!

So, if you are reading this and ready to join the Tree of Life Chiropractic family, make sure to contact us today to schedule your initial appointment and mention the Gift of Health.

Be Blessed and Happy Holidays!



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