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Writer's pictureDr. Carl Moe

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

With the Holidays approaching, many newly expecting parents might use this time of year as an exciting opportunity to announce their good news to family and friends. And once the pregnancy has become common knowledge, it’s a great time to start planning out how to have the best experience possible for not only your pregnancy, but birth and postpartum healing, as well. One of our biggest focuses and passions at Tree of Life Chiropractic here in Rochester is prenatal chiropractic care. We also find that the sooner in your pregnancy you begin chiropractic care, the greater the benefits you’ll receive and better chance of preventing future complications as we get closer to meeting your new baby.

Why should you consider chiropractic care for your pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the optimal environment for the developing baby. These changes can result in conditions such as misaligned spine and pelvis, increased lumbar curve, pelvis changes, postural adaptations, physiological stress and much more. Having a properly aligned and moving pelvis is crucial for creating a safe space for your developing baby. When we see restrictions in movement and space we chiropractors call that intrauterine constraint. A properly aligned pelvis is also important to ensure that the baby is in the best possible position for delivery which can play a huge role in mom’s ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Another great benefit of chiropractic during pregnancy is that we can make sure your nervous system, which controls every aspect and function of your body, is functioning and adapting optimally and effectively.

What about chiropractic care and breech deliveries?

We at Tree of Life Chiropractic - Rochester are certified and experts at the Webster technique which helps us analyze and adjust the pelvis to make sure the pelvis and supporting ligaments are functioning optimally to allow for ideal fetal positioning and decreasing the chance of a breech presentation. Also, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported in the July/August 2002 issue an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when doctors of chiropractic used the Webster Technique. Having optimal baby positioning  at the time of birth also eliminates the potential for dystocia (also known as difficult labor) and therefore results in easier and safer deliveries for both mom and baby. Research has also shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy can improve labor times by 25%!

How do I start chiropractic care for my pregnancy?

We try to make it as easy as possible for expecting moms and families to get checked and under care here at Tree of Life Chiropractic. Simply request an appointment above or call our office at 585-340-6031 and our amazing staff will get you all set up. We would be honored to be a part of your birth journey and family’s health and look forward to helping in any way possible. 

Be Blessed!

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