If you’ve had previous chiropractic experience or taken your child in for pediatric chiropractic care and have not seen the results you were hoping for, I want to take you through five reasons why that may have been the case.

The way healthcare goes down for chiropractic is like any other profession. Our general chiropractic education is phenomenal and takes care of everybody, but it’s limited as to how deep it goes with pediatric chiropractic care, especially in tougher cases.
The standard chiropractic education, in our opinion, is not quite enough to feel confident taking care of kids with certainty and confidence with clinical protocols and advanced/ specific adjusting techniques used for kids.
Pediatric specialized chiropractors have advanced training.
You have to take a good look at the practice and confirm that what they do every day is take care of kids and families. This one shouldn’t be hard to sort out. I recommend going into the practice, hanging out for 15 minutes or more, and seeing predominantly kids, pregnant moms, little babies, and older kiddos is perfect! If you’re seeing special needs challenges, that’s definitely a pediatric practice with clinical experience taking care of kids.
Does their examination incorporate advanced scanning technology called INSiGHT Scans? Regarding chiropractic, things have changed dramatically over the last 10 to 20 years, especially over the last five to seven years, even in our practice.
Using our INSiGHT scanning technology, we can measure and find out if subluxation, stress, vagus nerve interference, and/or dysautonomia are present. Not only can we find and detect the presence of this stress on your child’s nervous system with a non-invasive, 15-minute, simple, super safe scan, but we can also quantify it so we know exactly what we’re working with. We can locate it, track it, and advance our adjusting approaches. We can match our techniques to what the child really needs based on the scanning technology.
These scans set us apart from an “average” chiropractor who isn’t necessarily specialized in kids and families. This technology makes all the difference in care by looking into your child’s nervous system and determining if they are holding stress, how much and where. DOES YOUR CHIROPRACTOR USE A MULTITUDE OF CHIROPRACTIC TECHNIQUES?
Some of the kids we see experienced physical trauma that led to their challenges. Some examples are forceps, vacuum emergencies, c-section induction, childhood trauma, or falls. If there’s physical trauma, you may have to adapt to the adjusting approach you use. Some of them are more toxic. It could be inflammation due to so many antibiotics, nebulizers, and other medical interventions that weakened and exhausted their nervous, immune, and gut systems.
So you want to look for a chiropractor for your child who is not limited to one specific technique. In our office, we incorporate an entire system. That multitude of techniques is key to get the maximum impact and benefit at each and every adjustment.
A care plan is a simple chiropractic phrase that basically means – what are the recommendations and action plan? As we take care of a child through a care plan, we will actually change our technique and a multitude of things as we go.
Your chiropractor needs to have a care plan built for kids at this point in time - something that acknowledges all of the stressors that are currently impacting our children today.
You want your chiropractor to develop a care plan protocol that is neurologically focused, based upon your child’s specific case history findings using our scans and our exams. It’s a scientifically derived care plan protocol that sets the frequency and duration of the adjustments. So, if you’ve had a previous chiropractic experience, that may have even had “family” in the name of the practice, but you didn’t get results, I want you to understand that there is a difference in specialized pediatric chiropractors as they specifically take care of kids, pregnant moms, and families.
Please remember, your pediatric chiropractor has to have the training, experience, technology, and clinical protocols!
If you have any further questions or want to get your kiddo’s checked at Tree of Life Chiropractic please don’t hesitate by scheduling or calling the office at (585)340-6031.
Be Blessed!