At Tree of Life Chiropractic here in Rochester, we have seen multiple young children with cerebral palsy. Although we have seen great progress and results clinically with our own patients, it is always great to see long term studies regarding this topic as well. As pediatric and prenatal chiropractors, we always focus on the nervous system first. By utilizing technology to objectively see where your child’s health is at that moment, and then by creating the right game plan - we can help each child function, develop and heal the way they were naturally intended to. When the autonomic nervous system is balanced, the body has the ability to function optimally. Although each individual will adapt and heal differently, with chiropractic care there will almost always be an improvement in health. Read below to see how an infant born with cerebral palsy and a tough life quality outlook was able to heal and function optimally through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care & Long Term Follow Up of an Infant with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report & Review of the Literature
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2023
Drew Rubin, DC & Aleisha Taylor, DC
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ December 12, 2023 ~ Pages 35-42
Objective: To report on the positive health outcomes following chiropractic in an infant with cerebral palsy.
Clinical Features: A 3.5-week-old male infant presented to the clinic having suffered hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy at birth. He was lacking oxygen for 30 minutes until the ambulance arrived at his home following an underwater birth with a midwife. The patient arrived at the hospital at 70 minutes of life and remained in the hospital for his first 18 days of life. His parents were told he might be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.
Intervention and Outcomes: Patient began chiropractic care at a schedule of twice per week utilizing sustained contact adjustments to his sacrum, atlas, and cranium. Over the five-year course of his chiropractic care, he progressed to visits once per month and received adjustments to reduce vertebral subluxation. While under chiropractic care, the patient was also completing physical therapy sessions at home with his mother. The patient can walk, talk and function as a normal child with slight developmental delays. He is not wheelchair bound.
Conclusions: Chiropractic care with co-management in this case produced positive outcomes in the development of this patient’s childhood milestones and quality of life. Further studies are warranted to explore the benefits of chiropractic care in the co-management of patients with cerebral palsy.
If you have any questions regarding chiropractic and your family, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be blessed to be a part of your health journey.